Tag: enfold

  • What schema settings should I use with WordPress SEO – Enfold 2020

    Enfold has the option to add ‘Automated Schema.org HTML Markup‘ but it’s output isn’t designed to help SEO. It adds lots of microdata but doesn’t add much in the way of clean useful markup. This article is for a basic blog. If your site includes products, reviews, recipes or other data types for which there…

  • Updating Enfold pre version 4.x

    Enfold theme can get stuck updating since Envato changed their API. You can try this: Please replace enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/class-pixelentity-theme-update.php with https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/temp_fixes/Enfold_4_4_1/class-pixelentity-theme-update.php This should enable the update. If nthe update isn’t even showing try Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File plugin. Download latest enfold, install plugin, upload them and install. The plugin will overwrite the old…