Tag: ionic

  • Setting up Ionic on new MacOS Monterey install

    Install xcode Install Homebrew /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)” Install node and npm brew install node Install Ionic CLI npm i -g @ionic/cli Install Cordova (if using, Capacitor probably needs installing too but I’m not using it yet) npm i -g cordova Fix error ionic cordova build tool ‘xcodebuild’ requires Xcode, but active developer directory…

  • Build-tool 32.1.0 rc1 is missing DX at

    Making a note of this becasue it’s bound to break at some point. After a fresh MacOS Monterey install and Android Studio 2 install and JDK 1.8 install (from Oracle) you need set your paths below, you might get this error: Build-tool 32.1.0 rc1 is missing DX at Used below to create a symlink (changing…

  • How to view local PDFs in Ionic on Android and iOS

    Update: I wrote a provider that uses Document Viewer on iOS and In App Browser on Android: This method has only been tested with local PDF files stored in your project src/assets/ folder. No idea if it would work with remote PDFs, probably not on Android. Also, I’m very much a beginner so I may…

  • Integrating Ionic with Fabric Crashlytics Beta

    This article only refers to using Beta (which is part of Crashlytics) with Ionic, not any other elements of the Fabric suite. Let me start by saying that in my opinion if you can avoid using Fabric Beta with Ionic then you should; for me it is massively unreliable and wastes more time than it…